(Visiting at senior high school in Medan)
This activity is a form of innovation from the Investment Gallery which was inaugurated last November 2023. Chatbot Satya is a collaboration between ST Bhinneka, the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI), BRI Danareksa Sekuritas, ai4impact and Smojo.Ai. Lecturers involved in this project are Rin Rin Meilani Salim, S.Kom. M.Kom (Informatics), Tracey Yani Harjatanaya, MBA, Ph.D (Informatics), Hidayatna Putri, S.E.,M.Si (Digital Business), Sengli Egani Sitepu, S.Kom.,M.Kom (Digital Business), and Chairia Lubis, S.Ak.,M.Ak (Entrepreneurship). The Satya chatbot was created as an innovation from the Satya Terra Bhinneka University Investment Gallery.
(Visiting to the community at Lalang Village, Medan)
We really hope that we can use this chatbot well. And it is possible that students could develop a second version of the chatbot or that other lecturers could develop the chatbot.